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Asset Management

We are a highly experienced Asset Manager of wind and solar parks covering all technical, commercial and financial aspects.

Asset Management

We use our experience and size to secure the optimal output of every wind and solar park we operate.

With us as your Asset Manager, your assets are in safe hands

Focused and continued work on assessing and analyzing framework agreements on service, insurances, IT, expenses for maintenance/surveillance and sale of electricity, are all parameters where a large portfolio is of great importance to secure higher revenue and lower operational costs.

We secure the optimal output

We use our experience and substantial portfolio size to secure the optimal output of every wind and solar park we operate. And as we are asset owners ourselves, we know how important a continued focus on the full value chain is. That is why you can leave everything regarding your asset safely in our hands.

Contact us
Sol + Vind

Technical Asset Management

We handle each wind and solar park on a daily basis. Because we care

We remotely monitor our portfolio of wind and solar parks on a daily basis. Therefore, we are able to react immediately when an error occurs and give outage information to your energy trading company. Moreover, we team up with local partners, who can quickly be onsite to correct errors.

As part of the Technical Asset Management, our customers have access to our own-developed online portal, EWEInvestor, which provides swift and direct access to information about their assets.

The portal facilitates an overview of park-specific information such as production, budgets, possible park adjustments, etc., as well as relevant documents, such as e.g., inspection reports, minutes of meetings, and accounts. In addition, a logbook is available, containing information of error events as well as scheduled and unscheduled service, maintenance, curtailments etc. with comments from the dedicated technical asset manager.

Analyses and reporting 

We continuously prepare reports and analyses of all the wind and solar parks we operate, giving our customers valuable insights into the operation of their assets. Calculation of lost production from any downtime gives important information for improvements or claims under availability guarantees, insurance, auxiliary services etc.

We initiate and monitor statutory inspections and planned service. We offer recurring site visits and visual inspections by our own experienced inspection teams.

We handle all technical demands for public grid connection, such as approval of reference value, handling of agreements and check of grid compliance. This also includes the organization and coordination of necessary switching operations.

Maintenance of solar parks 

Cost-efficient maintenance of solar parks is crucial, and we make sure this is done without compromise on quality. We are experienced in operating solar parks remotely and onsite, which gives us a great advantage in finding and assessing any error.

We strive to involve the local workforce, such as electricians, shepherds etc. to keep an even closer eye on the parks day in, day out.

We strive to be pioneers in the integration of renewable energy on the grid.

Commercial Asset Management

Economies of scale 

Our substantial portfolio of wind and solar parks means that we play a significant role in the market. It gives us the bargaining power to secure the most competitive prices from external suppliers of service agreements, insurances, inspections etc. It is just the economies of scale.

We continuously challenge the performance of suppliers and have a healthy skepticism towards all suppliers. We take a stand and have a position.

It might seem simple operating a wind or solar park, but underneath the surface lies a considerable number of agreements and obligations. We make sure you comply with all of these.

Financial Asset Management

Accounting is not for everyone, but for us it is a central part of our business

We do bookkeeping and accounting for our customers. This includes invoice payments, preparation of VAT settlements, cash flow budgets and forecasts, as well as annual accounts. We coordinate and communicate with banks, tax advisors, insurance companies, landowners etc.

We provide consultancy services related to the project finance of wind and solar parks, making sure your terms and conditions are attractive.

Furthermore, we offer business management including the organization of board meetings and general meetings.


We secure the quality of the annual financial statement in collaboration with external auditors. Through a close dialogue between our qualified accountants and auditors, we coordinate a smooth and efficient auditing process granted by our substantial number of annual financial statements on the assembly line.  

If you are interested in hearing more about Asset Management, please contact us!

Jacob Staflin
Head of Asset Management Jacob Staflin · [email protected]
Henrik Bøker Nielsen
Investor Administration Manager Henrik Bøker Nielsen · [email protected]