Eurowind Energy has acquired additional shares in the French joint venture, Ventelys Énergies
Partagées and is now the majority shareholder.
Cyril Desreumaux will retain a minority share of Ventelys Énergies Partagées and lead the
company as President and Country Manager.
Cyril Desreumaux said:
"Since 2017, Eurowind Energy has proven itself as the best partner for Ventelys Énergies
Partagées moving to a strong growth on a long-term perspective in a sensitive market like
France. With our first wind and solar parks under development, the company now holds the
technical and financial skills in solar and wind technology to move on to the level of becoming
an IPP committed to the green transition. This has always been the plan. Thanks to this
opportunity, it's becoming a reality.”
Ventelys Énergies Partagées will keep operating in its current form and name, while being part of
the Eurowind Energy group. Going forward the company will deliver on the strategy to have the
full value chain of a project. Ventelys Énergies Partagées will develop, construct, own, and
operate solar and wind farms.
Jeppe Udby, Global Project Director, Eurowind Energy, said:
” I am happy that Cyril has chosen to accept this new challenge. Cyril has a unique
understanding of the French market and has been instrumental in making Ventelys Énergies
Partagées what it is today. There is a great potential in leveraging the strength of Eurowind
Energy with the competences in Ventelys Énergies Partagées, and we look forward to realising
that potential.”
Ventelys Énergies Partagées has a current portfolio of 38 projects under development with a
combined capacity of 1.258 MW evenly split between solar PV and wind.
For any questions or further information, please contact Press Officer Malene Petersen,
+4530101117 or [email protected]