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Uisenis Wind Farm

Uisenis Wind Farm

Project summary

  • Located on the Isle of Lewis
  • Number of Turbines: up to 25 turbines
  • Turbine Tip Height: up to 200 metres (m)
  • Installed Capacity: approximately 165 MW
  • Energy Generation: equivalent of approximately 164,764 homes per year*
  • Lifespan of Wind Farm: up to 30 years

* Based on DECC and Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) figures, which assume average UK household electrical consumption of 3,509 KWh and UK average onshore load factor of 27%, using 25 turbines with an overall capacity of 165 MW.

Public Exhibition 2 – Comparative Layout for Boards


The Uisenis Wind Farm is located on the Eisgein (Eishken) Estate, approximately 20km southwest of Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis. 

Larger Scale Site Location

Project History & status


The site has an existing consent (under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989) for the development of the Muaitheabhal Wind Farm comprising 45 turbines with varying tip heights up to 150 m.

Uisenis Wind Farm is located on the same site as Muaitheabhal Wind Farm within the Eishken Estate. If consented, the Uisenis proposal would be built instead of the 45 turbines associated with the Muaitheabhal consent. Turbine technology has moved on since the Muaitheabhal consent and to ensure the option of using the latest onshore wind turbines, Uisenis Wind Farm is proposing to use a smaller number of larger turbines.

The proposal was formally submitted to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit as a new Section 36 application for consent to build and operate the wind farm (Energy Consents Unit application ref ECU00004568).

Uisenis Power Limited has now submitted supplementary environmental information, which includes information relating to the amendment of the proposed site layout, and revisions to the habitat restoration and enhancement proposed.

You can access the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI) and planning application documents via the ‘Project Documents’ section below:

Copies of the application documentation including the EIA Report and SEI Report will also be made temporarily available for public viewing at the following locations.

  • Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Council Building, Sandwick Road, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW;
  • Kinloch Historical Society, Community Hub, Balallan, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9PN;
  • North Lochs Community Association, Leurbost, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9NU; and
  • Ravenspoint Community Centre, Kershader, South Lochs, Isle of Lewis, HS2 9QA.


Uisenis Power Limited is fully committed to providing improved community benefits as part of the application for the Uisenis Wind Farm to replace the Muaitheabhal Wind Farm. This will include an increased community benefit fund of £5,000 per MW per annum (previously £1,250 per MW) and an option to use the revenue share towards up to 20% community ownership, as well as commitments to procure local suppliers and support paid apprenticeship schemes and other local initiatives.

We are keen to engage with local initiatives and communities to ensure local needs are met, as well as supporting new and existing community projects. Should consent be awarded, we would seek to implement a number of measures to ensure that local people, communities, and businesses are able to benefit from the project.

Site Image

Supply Chain

As the planning process continues to progress, we are focusing more on how Uisenis Power Limited can maximise the local supply chain benefits. A range of suppliers and serviced are required to build a wind farm project and many local companies would be suited to get involved.

Suppliers and subcontractors will have a unique opportunity to learn about the activities carried out by Uisenis Power Limited at upcoming supplier interest days, details of which will be announced later this year.

We are interested in hearing from any local suppliers and regional business representatives, both for on-site construction works, as well as off-site services such as catering, car hire, restaurants, and lodging. If you would like to register interest in our supply chain opportunities, please email [email protected]

Contact & Further Information

The Project Team can be contacted directly by emailing: [email protected] 

Project Documents