Renewable energy systems allow for savings on infrastructure
Eurowind Energy has worked on the concept of hybrid Energy Centres in recent years. These large renewable energy plants will include wind turbines, solar, batteries, and PtX (hydrogen production). In addition to this, the integration of biogas and hydrogen refining is part of the Energy Centre solution.
The starting point is solar PV and wind turbines. These technologies produce the green power used in the other parts of the energy centre. The battery will provide balancing services to the grid and the electrolyser will produce hydrogen. There is a major need for more locally produced biogas in combination with green electricity production. Additional biogas will help to phase out the use of Russian gas and natural gas from the North Sea.
Creating large energy centres will allow for substantial savings on infrastructure. As some of the power is consumed on-site, large expensive connections to the electricity grid network can be replaced with smaller cables combined with gas pipes. The cost of transporting energy through pipes is approximately 10% compared to cables.
The ability to transform the generated energy to hydrogen, will also create the opportunity to store green power, something that has been seen as crucial for the success of the green transition. Since the electrolysis process generates significant heat, there will be opportunities for the supply of heat for district heating or to accelerate the gasification in biogas plants.
Eurowind Energy is set to launch five large land-based energy centres in Denmark, which are to be completed over the coming years. The five energy centres will have a total capacity of approximately 2.5 GW. Eurowind Energy has secured agreements with the landowners for the use of the land on all five projects. Eurowind Energy is in positive dialogues with the municipalities and for two of the energy centres, the public planning process is already ongoing.
The concept of large energy centres will be exported to the Group’s other markets with some limited modifications to reflect local conditions.