The rights for the 22 MWp project, Triana, were acquired from Hyperion Renewables and construction began in October 2021. The solar plant is located in Alenquer municipality, north of Lisbon.
Eurowind Energy has started the construction of its first Solar PV project in Portugal. The agreement to acquire the project from experienced renewable developer Hyperion Renewables was reached in August 2020 and completed in April this year as the project entered “ready to build” stage.
With 40.741 photovoltaic bifacial modules totaling 22MWp, installed on 2V one axis tracking systems over 30 hectares, the solar PV plant will be connected to the substation of Cheganças at 30kV and is anticipated to provide approximately 14.100 households with green electricity, while avoiding the emission of more
than 19.000 tons of CO2 per year.
The “Balance of Plant” works encompassing all the civil, mechanical, electrical and grid connection works were awarded to CJR Renewables and the PV modules were acquired under a frame agreement signed with Longi Solar earlier this year. A first scope of civil works started at the end of October 2021, and the full notice to proceed was issued at the beggining of December 2021. Triana PV plant is expected to start operating in Q3 2022.
Eurowind Energy’s CEO, Jens Rasmussen, said:
“Our Portuguese team has been developing from scratch a larger green field pipeline which includes PV,
wind and storage as well as hydrogen projects. We aim to have an increasingly active role in Portugal, and it is very exciting to see that our contribution for a greener economy in this market has just taken off.”
Pedro Pereira, Managing Director Southern Europe, noted:
“The acquisition and construction start of Triana PV project is the result of a hard job done by our team in the past years. This is just the first project of a number of renewables projects in our pipeline and we look forward to starting the construction of another portfolio of projects already next year.”
Eurowind Energy is committed to develop social and environmental responsible projects. As part of the company’s out‐reach program for new projects, a website ( has been created in order to
keep the local community and other important stakeholders informed about the project while being able to interact with the project management.
Eurowind Energy is also finalizing the licensing of a portfolio of more than 40MW of small generation PV plants (“UPPs”) in the North and Center of Portugal which are scheduled to start construction in 2022.
About Eurowind Energy A/S
Eurowind Energy is a developer of renewable projects and independent power producer based in Denmark.
The company holds a significant project development pipeline across Europe and US with interests in wind, solar, Power‐2‐X and storage. Eurowind Energy owns and operates a wind and solar portfolio of more than
700 MW and provides asset management services for an additional 800 MW for third parties.
About Hyperion Renewables
Hyperion Renewables is a developer of renewable energy projects, with great focus in Portugal. The
company was founded in 2006, has developed of a pipeline of 1 400 MW of renewable projects (mainly
solar, although H2 as well) in the Iberian Peninsula and has more than 350 MW of assets currently under Management in Portugal.
About CJR Renewables
CJR Renewables is an EPC/BOP integrated service provider for the construction of wind farms and solar PV Plants. The company operates across all stages of a project implementation process, including design and optimization, civil construction, electrical works, transportation and installation of wind turbines or solar panels. Present in more than 25 countries in three continents, the flexibility and wide range of CJR Renewables services allow the company to respond positively to demanding challenges, offering turnkey solutions.
For questions and enquiries, please reach out to:
Joachim Steenstrup, Head of Public Affairs, Eurowind Energy
+45 51 62 48 15
[email protected]